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Kaizer Killer The Remover

***Note: Viruses that this removal can treat are not all specified..
If on the first time to run this application and doesn't remove any viruses/malicious script, run it once again.

***Please support Kaizer Killer, just free to contactd us, and inform
us bout the latest virus that you've encountered and you wish to be added in the virus list of Kaizer Killer. Thank You!.

Here are some viruses it can remove:

1. $lddata$ removal
2. __.* remover
3. _defau~1.pif removal
4. _exp1orer.exe remover
5. _istmpi.dir removal
6. _noteped.exe remover
7. _sv_cmd_ removal
8. 111.exe remover
9. 3g08.bat removal
10. 3wcxx91.cmd remover
11. removal
12. 8ot8y86.exe remover
13. removal
14. ac12594 remover
15. Ad22098 removal
16. adober.exe remover
17. aikelyu.html removal
18. alecks.* remover
19. amvo.exe removal
20. amvo0.dll remover
21. amvo1.dll removal
22. an16554 remover
23. autorun.* removal
24. avpo*.* remover
25. awkeygen.exe removal
26. azkaban.* remover
27. bacabr~1.txt removal
28. bar311.exe remover
29. blastcln.exe removal
30. blastclnnn.exe remover
31. boot.exe removal
32. ccprxy.exe remover
33. copy.exe removal
34. crss.exe remover
35. ctfmon.exe removal
36. remover
37. mdm.exe removal
38. desktop.exe remover
39. desktop.ini removal
40. destrukto.* remover
41. destrukto.vbs removal
42. dismgnt.exe remover
43. removal
44. dnscon70.dll remover
45. dv6191~1 removal
46. dv6211~1 remover
47. dv6333~1 removal
48. exiplorer.exe remover
49. exp1orer.exe removal
50. explorar.vbs remover
51. explorer.exe removal
52. explorer.vbs remover
53. folder.htt removal
54. FS6519.dll.vbs remover
55. Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe removal
56. funnyu~1.exe remover
57. g2p3s.exe removal
58. gwe(i~1.exe remover
59. h.cmd removal
60. remover
61. homepage.html removal
62. host.exe remover
63. ie.exe removal
64. iexp1ore.exe remover
65. iloveher.exe removal
66. imgkulot.* remover
67. infrom.dat removal
68. infrom.exe remover
69. intern~1.lnk removal
70. isass.exe remover
71. j6154022.exe removal
72. j6154022.exe remover
73. removal
74. jay.exe remover
75. removal
76. kavo.exe remover
77. kavo0.dll removal
78. kavo1.dll remover
79. kernel~1.vbs removal
80. kernell.dll.vbs remover
81. killer.exe removal
82. knight.exe remover
83. krag.exe removal
84. kragdor.log remover
85. kulitut.* removal
86. ld.exe remover
87. ldjs.txt removal
88. ldlist.txt remover
89. ldup.exe removal
90. ldupver.txt remover
91. lsass.exe removal
92. lsasse~1.exe remover
93. maskrider2001.vbs removal
94. mdm.exe remover
95. mgrShell.exe removal
96. mma.bat remover
97. mma.reg removal
98. mma.vbs remover
99. ms.config removal
100. ms.config`.exe remover
101. ms32dll.dll.vbs removal
102. MS32DLL.dll.vbs remover
103. ms-dos removal
104. msinfo remover
105. msrm removal
106. mstcpcon20.dll remover
107. msvcr71.dll removal
108. mswinsck.ocx remover
109. mveo.exe removal
110. remover
111. removal
112. n2847 remover
113. n5619 removal
114. n8127 remover
115. netmanage.dll removal
116. netsvcs.exe remover
117. netused.dll removal
118. new document.exe remover
119. new folder.exe removal
120. newdoc~1.exe remover
121. newfol~1.exe removal
122. noteped.exe remover
123. nt.config removal
124. remover
125. ntkros.dll removal
126. ntsys.exe remover
127. o4154027.exe removal
128. ofcpfwsvcs.exe remover
129. p3r1ud.exe removal
130. passwo~1.exe remover
131. Password:winzip123 removal
132. password_viewer.exe remover
133. pc-off.bat removal
134. pet32.exe remover
135. removal
136. photos~1.exe remover
137. poogs.vbs removal
138. pooh.vbs remover
139. removal
140. ravmone.exe remover
141. ravmonlog removal
142. recycled remover
143. recycler removal
144. recycler.exe remover
145. redelbat.bat removal
146. rm remover
147. removal
148. S2pidwaraynon.html remover
149. s5421 removal
150. s6939 remover
151. s8787 removal
152. Say No To Drugs - iloveher.exe remover
153. scvhost.exe removal
154. scvhosts.exe remover
155. scvhsot.exe removal
156. scvshosts.exe remover
157. scvvhsot.exe removal
158. SecretStub.exe remover
159. sender.vbs removal
160. setting.ini remover
161. setup removal
162. setup.exe remover
163. sexvid~1.exe removal
164. silent~1.exe remover
165. SilentSoftecth.exe removal
166. smss.exe remover
167. spoclsv.exe removal
168. sqlserv.exe remover
169. sscvihost.exe removal
170. sscviihost.exe remover
171. ssvichosst.exe removal
172. remover
173. svchosl.exe removal
174. svchost.ini remover
175. svchost32.exe removal
176. svhost.exe remover
177. svhost32.exe removal
178. svohost.exe remover
179. svshost.exe removal
180. sxs.exe remover
181. sy.exe removal
182. SY20118 remover
183. t.exe removal
184. test.* remover
185. ttms*.dll.vbs removal
186. ugqe
187. VBS_SOLOW.A (Taga Lipa Are, Taga Xpress-On Kami, Taga Eti, Marinduque Mabuhay, Malaysian, Hackers, Protected by CPCT, Hacked by-Godzilla, M00zilla, YaHaa,"Your Firewall is Fuck", Zay, UC).
188. vhost.exe removal
189. wincab.sys remover
190. winconfig.dll.vbs removal
191. winkrnl.exe remover
192. winlogon.exe removal
193. winscok.dll remover
194. wintask.exe removal
195. wmiprvse.exe remover
196. WORM_ONLINEG.TCZ (q83iwmgf.bat) removal
197. wscript.exe remover
198. wsctf.exe removal
199. wvcst.* remover
200. removal
201. x264~1.exe remover
202. removal
203. ymworm.exe remover
204. zelurm~1.exe removal
205. zllictbl.dat remover

thank your for the maker of tool...GIGZ.

<a href=""> Download Here </a>

Adobe AIR 3.2 Beta 2

The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provide all the convenience of a desktop application.

Companies like eBay and AOL are using Adobe AIR to create exciting new applications that allow you to use their services on your desktop.

In short, Adobe AIR means applications that are easier, more powerful, and more fun to use.
Be safe on the web: Adobe AIR helps ensure safe installations by requiring digital signatures on each AIR application that identify the application and its creator before you install.

Download: Adobe AIR 3.2 Beta 2 | 14.5 MB (Freeware)

credit to: Razvan Mihai

Ultimate Windows Customizer 1.0

There are tons of applications available to customize your Windows installation, but the problem is that most are tweak specific. Hardly any offering multiple customization options. Ultimate Windows Customizer (UWC) is the first integrated freeware that offers you almost everything that can be customized in a Windows installation – well everything that matters, at least!
It is important to note that before running Ultimate Windows Customizer, if you have tweaked your operating system either manually or by using any other software, we recommend that you reverse the changes first. This is due to the fact that upon First Run, UWC will generate backups of the Current Files and Registry Settings, to allow the user to revert back to Default. Due to the wide nature of Customizations, this is the only option to revert back to Default.

Once you are sure about this, create a System Restore Point first. Then you can go ahead and start customizing to your heart’s content!

Ultimate Windows Customizer Features:
  • Lets you customize almost all aspects of Windows including, Start Button, Logon Screen, Windows Explorer, Libraries, Context Menu, Taskbar, Windows Media Player and more
  • Very simple and easy to use. No manual Hacks. No need to manually edit the Windows Registry and Windows System files
  • Tested over and over for compatibility between various customizations.
  • 70+ major features with literally tons of sub-features
  • Built in Update Feature to be easily notified of new updates.
  • Backs up all System Files and Registry Settings that UWC deals with and does not modify these.
  • Error Log for easy display
  • Easy uninstallation via the Control Panel.
  • Creates System Restore Point before any customizations are done.
UWC also includes the following tools which will be of help to you before, during or after the customization process:
  • RegOwnIt: Lets you to take ownership of a Windows Registry key
  • Replace It : Lets you replace system files easily
  • Restart Explorer
  • Screenshot Tool
  • System File Checker
  • System Restore Creator
If you face any errors, the will be recorded in the Error Log for easy troubleshooting. You can view the error log by clicking on the View Error Log in the Extras tab.
UWC will automatically check for updates and download then automatically. But you can also Check For updates from the Settings & Extras tab.

Ultimate Windows Customizer runs on Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit. Support for Windows 8 and more customization options will be included in the next update.

Download: Ultimate Windows Customizer 1.0 | 10.6 MB (Freeware) mirror provided by

Credit to: Razvan Mihai

Codec Tweak Tool 5.1.0

Codec Tweak Tool will scan for broken filters and remove them. If the tool detects something that is broken, it will then prompt you with the details and you will be given the option to remove the broken item.
With this tool you can do things like:
  • Scan the registry to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters.
  • Generate a detailed log of all installed codecs and filters.
  • Enable/disable more than 200 popular codecs and filters (if they are installed).
  • Manage preferred source filters (a.k.a. splitters).
This tool is a Swiss army knife for managing codecs and codec settings. Below is a short overview of the functionality that this tool has to offer.

Fixes: Detect broken codecs and DirectShow filters. Fix problems with the standard DirectShow filters of Windows. A fix for a specific sound problem.
Generate log: Generate a text file with detailed information about all installed codecs and DirectShow filters, along with other relevant system information.
Reset settings: Reset settings to recommended values for many popular codecs and DirectShow filters.
Speaker configuration: Configure audio output settings for several popular audio decoders.
Various Tweaks: Several configuration options for a few DirectShow filters that don't have an easily accessible interface for those options.
DirectShow filter configuration: Easy access to the configuration interfaces of various codecs and DirectShow filters
Backup settings: Backup the settings of several codecs and DirectShow filters.
Restore settings: Replace your current settings with those from a previous backup.
Manage DirectShow filters: Enable or disable DirectShow filters.
Manage ACM/VFW codecs: Enable or disable ACM/VFW codecs.
Manage DMO: Enable or disable DirectX Media Objects.
Manage source filters: Configure your preferred DirectShow source filters (a.k.a. splitters) for several common file extensions.
Thumbnail settings: Enable or disable the generation of thumbnails for several common video file formats in Windows Explorer.

Download: Codec Tweak Tool 5.1.0 | 670 KB (Freeware)

credit to: Razvan Mihai 

Kingsoft PC Doctor

Kingsoft Security has updated his powerful computer security suite which intensively can scan, detect and remove malware, using Kingsoft Cloud Security Engine and Kingsoft V10 Antivirus Engine, patch Windows vulnerabilities, clean junk files and optimize Windows performance. While this might all sound  familiar, thanks to the abundance of cheap one-click optimizers, Kingsoft PC Doctor is an entirely different program.
Anti-Trojan: Anti-Trojan function of the Kingsoft PC Doctor exploits both the revolutionary Cloud Security Engine and powerful V10 Antivirus Engine on local device which are presented by Kingsoft Security to defense billions of malicious Trojan viruses program away from your computer.

Windows Vulnerability Repair: Repair function of the Kingsoft PC Doctor provides computer users overall and intensive Windows OS vulnerability scan service and, support the users patch such vulnerability in fast and easy-to-use operation. Meanwhile, the Windows Vulnerability Repair function presents advanced performance on Microsoft Windows 7 OS.

Windows Cleaner: Cleaner is a powerful function of the Kingsoft PC Doctor which is designed for cleaning Windows OS unused files and temporary files, erasing traces of online activities and Internet history, and cleaning Windows register. Users can execute One-Click function to run the Cleaner to free up valuable computer hard disk space.
System Repair: System Repair is an useful function of the Kingsoft PC Doctor which is designed for scan abnormal option of the Windows Operating System and, provide professional and fast repair service to computer users.

Trace Cleaning: Trace Cleaning is a powerful function which is designed for erasing traces of online activities, local computer operating behavior history and, Internet history. This function is located under the Cleaner option of the Kingsoft PC Doctor.

Plug-in Cleaning: Plug-in Cleaning function of the Kingsoft PC Doctor is a powerful suspicious plug-in application cleaner program. This function is located at the option of Anti-Trojan and, serve computer users to clean suspicious plug-in application and, defense potential security threats away.
My Startup - Detailed Startup Time: As a newly added feature, "My Startup" displays the detailed startup time of user's PC. Are you still troubling with the slow startup? This useful feature can tell you the reason of your slow startup.

Download: Kingsoft PC Doctor | 15.3 MB (Freeware)

credit to: Razvan Mihai

Report: US government seizes over 130 web domains

A few days before the launch of Cyber Monday, the US government is reportedly cracking down on a number of web sites that have been labeled to be selling pirated software or counterfeited merchandise. reports that over the last day or so it has found that over 130 web sites have been taken over by the government. So far there's been no official word from any government agencies about these actions, although it's possible that they are waiting until Cyber Monday to make the official announcement.
The article lists the web sites that have been taken over, and most of them appear to charge people to use their businesses. From the list, it looks like the vast majority of the web sites had online store fronts that sold counterfeit sports apparel items. One of the sites,, did apparently sell pirated software items.
The article points out that the federal government took control of over 82 web sites under similar conditions nearly one year ago including some web sites that distributed free music and movie downloads and a web site devoted to finding torrent-based files. The government, including the Department of Justice, called the efforts "Operation In Our Sites." However it doesn't appear that software download sites were the targets of this latest operation.

Credit to: Razvan Mihai


Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original network clients, while supporting standard features such as audio chat, file transfers, group chats, chat rooms, buddy icons, multiple simultaneous connections to the same network, server-side contact importing, typing notification, direct connection (AIM), proxy support, encrypted messaging (AIM/ICQ), SMS support, and privacy settings.
Without stealing your home page and with no other included software, pop-ups, or spyware, Trillian provides unique functionality such as:
  • contact message history,
  • a powerful skinning language,
  • tabbed messaging,
  • global status changes (set all networks away at once),
  • Instant Lookup (automatic Wikipedia integration),
  • contact alerts,
  • an advanced automation system to trigger events based on anything happening in the client,
  • docking,
  • hundreds of emoticons,
  • emotisounds,
  • shell extensions for file transfers, and
  • systray notifications.
Download: Trillian | (20.3 MB) Freeware

Credit: Razvan Mihai 


CDBurnerXP is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs. It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as a multilanguage interface. Everyone, even companies, can use it for free.
Key Features include:
  • burn all kinds of discs
  • audio-CDs with or without gaps between tracks
  • burn and create ISO files
  • data verification after burning process
  • create bootable discs
  • multi-language interface
  • bin/nrg to ISO converter, simple cover printing and much more!
  • Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/Windows 7
  • Disc spanning improved, number of copies for disc copying and better working (in regard to upgrades) MSI installer.
Note: Offers to install a 3rd party program that you can easily opt out of during install.

DownloadCDBurnerXP | 4.9 MB (Freeware)

credit: Razvan Mihai

WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.0

Web Builder  is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create complete web sites. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions; you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them 'anywhere' you want and when you're finished publish it to your web server (using the build in Publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web pages. One Web Builder project file can hold multiple web pages.
WYSIWYG Web Builder features:
- No HTML knowledge needed!
- Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page: Text, Lines, Images, Marquees and Tables.
- Site Management. Easily add, edit, clone and structure your web pages from a single file.
- Customizable menus, toolbars, keyboard accelerators, dockable windows, tabs, autohide windows.
- Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields etc.
- Supports Form fields: Editbox, TextArea, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Combobox and Button.
- Rich text support: text object can contain different fonts, colors, links and sizes.
- Option to add custom HTML for each object (Before Tag, Inside Tag, After Tag).
- Custom HTML object to insert your own HTML or Javascripts.
- ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio and other Plug-In support.
- Publish your entire web site, a single page or a group of pages (to local drive or a web server) .
- Build-in Photo Gallery maker, with lots of cool features like picture frames!
- Rollover images.
- Bulleted Lists: Circle, Disc, Square, Numeric (1, 2, 3), Alpha (a, b, c) , Roman (I, II, III) and custom images.
- Image maps.
- Customize scrollbar colors for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Navigation bars.
- Ready-to-use Javascripts.
- Template support. Already more than 100 templates available!
- Support for Cascading Style Sheet positioning (layered layout).
- Insert Symbols (special characters).
- Verify links tool.
- Rotating Image component (useful for Ad Banners).
- Support for third-party add-ons, using the Web Builder Component Developers Kit.
- Import existing HTML pages.
- Hyperlink Style Sheet, to customize the colors/formatting of hyperlinks.
- Show optional rulers.
- Page transitions in Page Properties.
- Inline Frame component (IFRAME).
- Go menu: easily create a drop-down navigation menus.
- Menubar: powerful menu script that can mimic complex menus found in popular GUI applications.
- Shape object (Rectangle, Round rect, Ellipse, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Triangle, Trapezoid, Arrows, Flag, Flower, Heart, Signs, Stars, Talk Bubbles and much more!
- Embedded OLE component.
- Embedded page object. This allows you to re-use objects from other pages (master page concept).
What's new in this version:
  • WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.0 has more than 150 new features/improvements, full list of changes here.
Download: WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.0 |  6.9 MB (Shareware)

credit: Razvan Mihai

New Microsoft Security Essentials beta inbound

It looks like Microsoft is getting close to releasing a new version of Microsoft Security Essentials, as some Microsoft Connect participants are being invited to join a new Microsoft Security Essentials Public Beta program. Microsoft vaguely state that the newest MSE beta will have “the latest protection features”, and the beta program itself will “start soon” after you accept the invitation.

Apart from the fact that Microsoft is running a brand new beta program for MSE, we really have absolutely no other details. This is possibly for Microsoft Security Essentials version 3, as previously in June of last year Microsoft ran a beta program before releasing version 2 of the free antivirus software.
If you have been invited to join the Microsoft Security Essentials beta you will have received an email from Microsoft Connect. If not and you would like to join, you can try your luck over at the Microsoft Connect webpage. In the meantime, we await what the new MSE has in store.

Thanks to aznkid25 and Tech Greek for the tip in the forums!

Skype 5.x beta featuring Facebook to Facebook calling

Back in July, Facebook video calling powered by Skype was launched. Today we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Facebook has reached yet another milestone with the launch of Skype 5.4 Beta for Mac and Skype 5.7 Beta for Windows allowing you to conduct a Facebook-to-Facebook call from within Skype. This new development in the Skype-Facebook partnership is the latest example of how Skype is removing communication barriers and making it easier to connect with friends, family and business colleagues. Our approach to social is about personal connections with people. We are on a mission to connect over one billion people and our continued partnership with Facebook brings us one step closer to this goal.

Initiating a Facebook-to-Facebook call from within Skype is quite easy; all you need to do is connect your Skype and Facebook accounts. Then, select a Facebook friend and hit the video call button in Skype- your friend simply picks up the call from Facebook. This new feature lets you maintain social connections with your Facebook friends and compliments previously announced features such as being able to see when your Facebook friends are online, read their status updates and IM them all from Skype.

Besides this great new Facebook feature, additional new features added to Skype 5.4 Beta for Mac and Skype 5.7 Beta for Windows including video rendering giving a smoother video experience for Mac users and group screen sharing for Windows users with a Premium subscription (group screen sharing is currently available for Mac users). Users who are chatting one-on-one will also be able to screen share with live video streaming.

We're excited about these new enhancements and we would love for you to download the latest version of Skype so you can bring your social network to life with Skype. If you would like to discuss this new release or have any questions, please feel free to visit our new Skype Support Network.

Download: Skype 5.7 Beta (Windows) or Skype 5.4 Beta (Mac OS X)

uTorrent 3.0 Build 26473

µTorrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. It was designed to use as little CPU, memory and space as possible while offering all the functionality expected from advanced clients.
Micro-Sized Yet Feature Filled

Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.

Skinnable and Localized
Various icon, toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available, and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization, and with a language file present, will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn't available, you can easily add your own, or edit other existing translations to improve them!

Actively Developed and Improved
The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more user-friendly. Releases only come out when they're ready, with no schedule pressures, so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed.
What's new in this release:
  • Fix: fixed incorrect teredo MTU assumption
  • Fix: fix bug where the rating was not bound-checked in the comments tab
Download: uTorrent 3.0 Build 26473 | 627 KB Freeware

VMware Player 4.0.1 Build 528992


VMware Player is the easiest way to run multiple operating systems at the same time on your computer. With its user-friendly interface, VMware Player makes it effortless for anyone to try out Windows 7, Chrome OS or the latest Linux releases, or to create virtual "sandboxes" to test pre-release software in. VMware Player can also be used to run a virtual copy of an old PC so that you can recycle the old machines you have under your desk or stored in the closet.
  • Run multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single computer
  • Experience the benefits of preconfigured products without any installation or configuration hassles
  • Share data between host computer and virtual machine
  • Run 32- and 64-bit virtual machines
  • Use 3rd-party pre-configured virtual machines and images
  • Share data between the host computer and virtual machine
  • Broad host and guest operating system support
  • Support for USB 2.0 devices
  • Gain easy access to virtual machines via an intuitive home page interface
Download: VMware Player 4.0.1 Build 528992 | 117 MB (Freeware, registration required)

Microsoft and Apple support censorship bill

Companies like Google, Mozilla and Facebook have been speaking out against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), but Apple and Microsoft have obliquely thrown their support behind the legislation. Microsoft, along with Apple, Adobe, and a host of other major companies are part of the Business Software Alliance which supports the bill, VentureBeat reports.

The Senate bill, the PROTECT IP Act ('Prevent Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property') was introduced back in May by Sen Patrick Leahy (D), but is currently on indefinite hold. SOPA was introduced to the House on Oct. 26. The bill would force American payment providers, like Visa or PayPal, to cut off transactions with infringing sites, even those that are located overseas.
The Business Software Alliance, made up of tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and Dell, stated in a low key press release from back when SOPA was first introduced that they supported the bill. This explains Microsoft's silence on the bill, while other companies are rallying against it. Robert Holleyman, President and CEO of the BSA said that it was “...Important to strike the right balance between two sets of considerations – enabling effective action against online pirates, while ensuring the law does not impede technology innovation or the evolution of software and the internet...”

Due to the drastic changes it would cause in the way users access websites, some experts are afraid that it could do just that, according, ironically enough, to MSNBC. The bills also give federal courts the power to order ISPs, as well as search engines, to block websites that they feel infringe on intellectual property. This would require filtering DNS servers – the servers that match the address that you enter ( to the IP ( The filtered DNS wouldn't be able to connect the address that you enter with the IP you need to connect to the website.

Another problem is deciding what constitutes an infringing website. If every website hosting pirated content were to be blocked, virtually all user-created content portals, from YouTube to Windows Live Skydrive, would be taken down. Even though these sites have legitimate uses and are commercial products, the fact that some users upload pirated content would give the copyright owners justification to have them blocked, if SOPA passes.

It's sad to see Microsoft supporting a bill that is so dangerous to digital freedom, even if the support is coming from an organization that they are part of, rather than them independently. Luckily, even with some high profile support, SOPA has many high profile opponents, too, both in government and the technology industry. Right now, the chances of it becoming law are slim, but the scary truth is that another bill that's just as bad (or worse) will replace it before it's cleared the floor. As soon as one threat to internet freedom is defeated, another rises in its place. There's no time for complacency.
Head over to the Neowin Forums to join the discussion and share your thoughts on SOPA and internet freedom.

EMDB 1.36

EMDB is a small utility to keep track of your DVD collection. With an automatic import from the database of IMDB, export to csv, text or complete website, thumbnail cover preview, a loan tracker, search function and multi-language user interface. EMDB is written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and doesn't need a .NET framework or any other external libraries.

  • Import from HDD: New user interface with lots of options.
  • User Interface: Fixed sorting on numbers when more than 9999 movies in the database. Works fine now up to a million movies. That should be enough ;-)
  • Import from HDD: Fixed a crash when importing large number of movies in several sub folders.
  • Import from HDD: Movies with multiple results were you should select one from a list are queued until all automatic resolved movies are finished.
  • Import from HDD: Plot outline was not imported from
  • Import from HDD: Director was not imported if Director was already in the database.
  • Import from HDD: Better handle full DVD and Bluray file structures.
  • User Interface: Covers in movie details panel were sometimes cropped.
  • User Interface: Show TV Series cases option was not working.
  • User Interface: Fixed sorting on resolution.
  • Translations: Updated the Greek, Turkish and Swedish translations.
Download: EMDB 1.36 | 1.2 MB (Freeware)

ApexDC++ 1.5.1

ApexDC++ is free P2P software for community sharing using the DC++ protocol. It is Open Source software published under GPL-2 allowing anybody to contribute. It has numerous features such as intelligent chunk spreading (super seeding), customization, themes, and a brand new user friendly GUI.
ApexDC++ is, and always will be, free from all forms of malware. The project is managed and developed by veterans of the P2P world.
The Direct Connect network is a decentralized network, made up of individual servers (hubs) that users join to share files with other members on that hub. Each hub is individually run by a fellow user of the Direct Connect network, and may have certain themes to the content on the hub. Hub owners set up rules to regulate their hub as they see fit. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits.
What's new in 1.5.1:
  • Fix: Possible fix for arranging toolbar for remote desktop users
  • Change: Files that no longer exist in downloads folder will be pruned from queue on startup
  • Change: Added encrypted ADC Fun hub to favourites (only if TGO hub is detected)
  • Change: Installer has option to launch ApexDC++ on startup
Download: ApexDC++ 1.5.1 | 12.1 MB (Open Source)

TeraCopy 2.27

TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features:
  • Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
  • Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
  • Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skips the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
  • Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
  • Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
  • Full Unicode support.
  • Added: ‘Remove other’ to remove non-selected files from the list [Pro].
  • Added: Better handling multiple copy processes.
  • Added: Multiple retries to delete source files and folders after moving.
  • Added: Tray notification when adding files to the existing process.
  • Fixed: Problem with some non-Latin filenames.
  • Fixed: Copied files now have a correct creation time.
  • Added: WaitBeforeMinimize option to ini file.
Download: TeraCopy 2.27 | 2.8 MB (Freeware)

Inside Microsoft's secret "Socl" network

You may remember the rumors that were going around earlier this year about Microsoft's upcoming social network, which was going by Tulalip at the time. It turns out that Microsoft has been testing the service with select users since then, and The Verge's Thomas Houston got a sneak peak at the service, which they're now calling Socl.

The site features a sparse Metro design with bare bones navigation controls, and a heavy emphasis on search. You'll find a prominent search bar at the top of the page, which works kind of like a status update. The search bar lets you share what you're searching for, like 'live Dylan covers,' or what you're doing, such as saying you're 'at a live Dylan concert.' This will drop the appropriate Bing results into your feed, so your friends can see, share and comment on it. The items can be tagged by type, and it's a completely voluntary process, so you only share what you want (rest easy, you don't have to share your, ah, 'private' searches).
It's been reported that the tagging system is a bit too specific, since most people aren't going to be searching for generic terms like 'film' or 'technology,' but considering that its in such an early stage of development, it's a problem that will hopefully disappear.

One really novel feature that Socl brings to the table is video party, which lets you chat live with your friends via webcam and watch YouTube clips together. Like the rest of the site, it's built completely out of HTML5, so it's fast and easy to use. It's possible that this could be built using the Skype infrastructure that Microsoft recently acquired, but since the whole project has been fairly quiet, there's no word on that.

Socl is coming out of Microsoft's FUSE research group, so it may or may not actually end up getting a public release. The Verge says that Microsoft is planning on rolling out a larger public test via an invite system in the near future.

Ultimately, Socl looks like another part of Microsoft's campaign to make search 'less lonely,' as they put it in a recent press release. The business plan is all about driving more traffic to Bing, and it's easy to imagine Socl functioning not only as a stand alone product, but as a way for you to share your search results through other services, like Facebook and Twitter.

Images courtesy of The Verge

Antivirus Slowing Your PC Down? Maybe You Should Use Exclusions

Retro Virus
Protecting your computer with an antivirus solution is par for the course when you’re dealing with a Windows PC, but unfortunately it slows you down at the same time. Here’s how to improve your performance, at least a little bit.
We’re not going to sit here and tell you to go without antivirus, since that would be irresponsible. What we’re going to do today is explain how you can exclude certain folders with write-heavy operations to speed up your PC without putting yourself into extra danger.

Note: Before you start excluding any files, you keep in mind that changing any of the default security settings could be risky, and you should probably close the browser tab and run away. Or maybe print off the article and burn it.  Also, the image is by xkcd

What Files Should You Exclude?

The general idea is that if you have some applications that are writing to the hard drive constantly, you should probably exclude the folders they are writing or reading from, as long as those applications are trusted and safe.
For example, if you’re using a virtual machine, which does both reads and writes from the hard drive on a fairly constant basis, you should make sure your antivirus application is not scanning those files and folders. Here’s a few examples of some things you may consider excluding:
  • Virtual Machine Directories: If you’re using VMware or VirtualBox, you should make sure those locations are excluded. This is actually what prompted this article, and probably the only significant performance boost out of the things we’re mentioning.
  • Subversion / TortoiseSVN Folders: Have you ever tried to do a big checkout of a source control project and had it fail? There’s a good chance that it’s conflicting with your antivirus application. This one has personally happened to me.
  • Personal Photo/Video Folders: Got you have a massive library of photos or videos that you’ve taken with your digital camera? As long as you only use this location for files copied from your SD card, there’s no reason to be scanning it and slowing your PC down while doing photo editing.
  • Legitimate Music Folders: If you’re downloading music from shady sources, this does not apply. If you’ve ripped your own CDs or downloaded from somewhere legitimate like Amazon, then you can safely exclude your music folder.
  • Windows Update Folders: This actually comes straight out of a Microsoft KB article—you’ll notice that they don’t recommend it, because they can’t do that in case somebody writes a special virus for the purpose of suing them, but the same principle applies.
Other Scenarios
There’s a nearly infinite number of applications and scenarios for everybody’s PC, so it’s hard to say exactly what is going to work on your PC—but there’s a way you can figure it out for yourself using Process Monitor, the great tool from Sysinternals at Microsoft.
Just open up Process Monitor, and then “uncheck” all of the little icons on the right-hand side of the toolbar, leaving only the “Show File System Activity” one checked. At this point you’ll see loads and loads of items in the list, with every access to the file system.

You can use this data to figure out which applications are constantly reading and writing to the hard drive, and then based on the safety of those files, you can choose whether or not to exclude them.
Don’t Exclude File Types, Exclude Folders
When you exclude a filename or file extension, you are telling your antivirus software to completely ignore those files anywhere on your system, which could cause a security problem. It’s a much better bet to exclude a particular folder that you know is safe, like your virtual machine folders.
Always Scan Files from the Internet
I’ll start by saying this should go without saying… which always seems to be said anyway… but you should make absolutely certain to scan any files that come from anywhere on the internet, and especially when those files come from torrents or other similar sources rife with viruses.
All Antivirus Applications Work Differently
The next thing to mention is that not every antivirus application is going to work the same way—for instance, by default, AVG only scans a specific set of file extensions, and files with no extensions. There’s no way to tell—without benchmarking, at least—whether excluding folders will make a performance difference if they don’t scan those extensions.
Some other anti-virus applications, however, don’t limit themselves to specific file types, so you’ll need to dig into the settings for your particular application.

Excluding Files from Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials makes it real simple to exclude files—just head into the Settings, choose Excluded files & locations on the left-hand side, and then add folders into the list on the right-hand side.

You’ll probably notice that MSE doesn’t slow your system down very much anyway.

Excluding Files from AVG Anti-Virus

As we mentioned earlier, AVG works a little differently—if you head into Tools –> Advanced settings…

Then head to Resident Shield –> Advanced Settings to see the list of file types that are currently being scanned. You’ll notice that AVG always scans files with no extensions, which shouldn’t normally pose a problem, but depending on the applications you’re using there might be a problem.

You can switch to the Resident Shield –> Excluded Items to add in folders or specific files to exclude from scanning.

We’re not going to cover every other antivirus application, but they all pretty much work the same. Also, we prefer Microsoft Security Essentials.

Funny Related Story

About 10 years ago, when I was still fairly new at the vaporware company I was working for at the time, the ILOVEYOU worm attacked our email system, crushing our Microsoft Exchange server with an overload of emails, and then the worst possible thing happened—our email server became corrupted. The IT staff ran the recovery tools, which fixed the problem and all was well… for a few hours until it became corrupted again. And again.
After a couple days of this problem, I finally popped my head in the door and asked to take a look. Sure enough, the problem became very clear within minutes.
That’s right. You guessed it…
They had installed the desktop edition of Norton Antivirus on the email server, and they didn’t exclude the database folder for Exchange. Virus-laden emails came into the Exchange database, and then Norton proceeded to rip them right out of the database itself, corrupting the files badly in the process.
Of course, I removed Norton and proceeded to grab a reputable antivirus plugin for Microsoft Exchange, which cleaned the emails the proper way, and all was well. Until the brilliant IT person installed Norton again. *sigh*  At least I got a promotion out of it.

Wrapping Up: Use This Tip At Your Own Risk

Just to wrap up, and as we said earlier, forget that you read this article, and if you get a virus don’t blame us. This especially applies if you’re not really sure what you’re doing—this probably isn’t something you should mess with.

Firefox 8.0.1

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.

User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.

Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.

Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.

Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Download: Firefox 8.0.1 for Windows | 14.1 MB (Freeware)
Download: Firefox 8.0.1 for Linux | 17 MB
Download: Firefox 8.0.1 for MacOS | 29 MB

Disable the Irritating Sticky / Filter Keys Popup Dialogs

Disable the Irritating Sticky / Filter Keys Popup Dialogs

Have you ever been doing something, like playing a game, and had that obnoxious Sticky Keys dialog pop up? You answer No and it goes away… and then shows up again the next day. Here’s how to make it go away for good.
In case you aren’t sure what we mean… hit the Shift key five times fast.
Annoying Sticky Keys Dialog
Yeah, annoying. It’s a helpful accessibility feature for some people, but it’s really irritating for the rest of us.
Disable Sticky or Filter Keys
If you didn’t click on the “Go to the Ease of Access Center” link, you can simply navigate in Control Panel to the Ease of Access center, and find the link for “Make the keyboard easier to use”.

Once you are there, you’ll want to make sure the boxes for “Turn on Sticky Keys” or “Turn on Filter Keys” are turned off—which simply means the feature isn’t active at the moment, but doesn’t mean the annoying popup will go away.
For that, you’ll have to click on either “Set up Filter Keys” or “Set up Sticky Keys” (or both).

Disable Filter Keys Popup
If you went to the Filter Keys setup screen, remove the checkbox from “Turn on Filter Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds”.

This will completely disable the irritating popup.
Disable Sticky Keys Popup
If you chose the setup for Sticky Keys, uncheck the box for “Turn on Sticky Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times”.

And that should disable the annoying popup dialogs for either Windows 7 or Vista. Windows XP users will find similar shortcuts under Accessibility in Control Panel.

Facebook porn cyber spam attack stopped

Tuesday's rash of pornographic and violent images on the News Feeds of some Facebook users was caused by a script that took advantage of an exploit in some web browsers, according to a statement from Facebook spokesperson Frederic Wolens. reports that according to Wolens, Facebook's team of engineers has now "eliminated most of the spam caused by this attack". He added, "We are now working to improve our systems to better defend against similar attacks in the future."

While there was speculation that the porno spam attack on Facebook was caused by a direct cyber attack, Wolens claims the real culprit was a malicious script that some Facebook users were apparently tricked into adding into its URL address bars on their web browsers. The script caused the user to share the images generated by the exploit onto their News Feed.

So far there's no word on who might be responsible for sharing this web browser exploit although some have speculated it might be a splinter group from the hacker organization Anonymous. Facebook has now reportedly created code that shuts down the pages that are sharing the pornographic links.
Obviously the lesson for everyone is don't cut and past code that you don't know anything about into your web browser address bar. Also, it might be a good idea to make sure your web browser itself is up to date; safety first, after all. You can check out out the reactions to some of Neowin's readers to this Facebook spam in our forum section.

Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 v11.0.0.60 (3210) Beta

The latest version of our very popular alls-in-one burning suite is coming soon. Be one of the first to experience the new power and dynamism of our top seller. With Ashampoo® Burning Studio 11 you will advance into new dimensions of performance that have never been achieved before. Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 comfortable and compact, with access to online, internal as well as external resources for your burning projects and the COMPACT Mode for quickly burning data discs.

Burning from a whole new perspective
The new Compact Mode with its up-to-date design is always available on the desktop and includes the most important functions to quickly burn data disc. Burning data has become incredibly fast and easy with the Compact Mode. See for yourself!

Getting everything out of your networks!
The new comfortable file dialog provides access to any available content. This way you can, for example, always and anywhere add online content from Facebook, Dropbox, Flickr or Picasa. Then you can give free rein to creativity!

Access pictures and videos directly - It couldn’t be easier!
Now you can use your photos and videos that have just been made even more quickly and easily. Just connect your digital camera or smartphone with your PC and select the desired files in the file dialog. That’s it!

Fast, faster, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11!
Experience new speed records with Ashampoo Burning Studio 11! Due to faster encoding of several videos, you can now create video discs with your multi-core PC in a considerably shorter time.

Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 highlights:
  • Compact Mode
  • Multicore-Support for quicker burning results
  • New file selection dialog with access to all available resources
  • Integration of Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa and Flickr
  • Camera and mobile/smartphone support
  • Burning of playlists
Download: Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 Beta | 175 MB (Shareware)

ZoneAlarm Free

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is easy for anyone to use. It operates automatically, due to its powerful DefenseNet cloud service, so users are not interrupted with unnecessary alerts.
  • Essential firewall protection
  • Be invisible to others online
  • New interface makes it even easier - smaller size keeps it light
  • Systematically identifies hackers and blocks access attempts
What's new in this version:
  • New user-friendly design
  • Easy for all levels of users
  • Confirms protection at a glance
  • Indicates security components you have and do not have
  • New Installer
  • Makes securing your computer faster and easier than ever.
  • New Quick install reduces time to get started
  • Web installer also shortens and simplifies entire download and install time
Download: ZoneAlarm Free | 149 MB (Freeware)

Sysinternals Suite 2011.11.10

The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault. The Sysinternals Suite is a bundle of several Sysinternals Utilies like AccessChk, Autologon, Ctrl2Cap, DiskView, Disk Usage (DU), LogonSessions, PageDefrag, ProcessExplorer, PsLogList, PsPasswd, RegMon, RootkitRevealer, TCPView, VMMap, ZoomIt.
What's new in Sysinternals Suite 2011.11.10
  • Autoruns v11.1: This update to Autoruns adds several new autostart locations, reports the active filter in the status bar, and highlights unsigned images and those with no company name or description to make them easy to spot.
  • AccessChk v5.02: This AccessChk release includes improved error messages, reports registry key delete permission, and includes a manifest.
  • Coreinfo v3.02: This minor update to Coreinfo, a command-line tool that reports supported CPU features and topology, includes Microsoft’s SLAT term for Intel’s Extended Page Table and AMD’s Nested Paging virtualization features.
  • Microsoft Security Intelligence Report v11: Microsoft’s regular report on the state of malware covering January through June of 2011 is out and includes a primer by Mark on using the Sysinternals tools to identify and clean malware.
Download: Sysinternals Suite | (13.1 MB) Freeware
View: Versions and Descriptions

BitComet 1.30

BitComet is a BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP download management software, which is powerful, fast, very easy-to-use, and completely FREE. The advanced features it contains can accelerate your downloading speed up to 5 - 10 times faster, or even more. . It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, chatting, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, ip-filter, etc.

What's new in this version:
  • GUI Improved: cleaned up and improved a lot of code, reduce program size
  • GUI Improved: add VIP download list button in task list toolbar
  • GUI Improved: do not allow hide the title column of task list
  • GUI Improved: new command in View menu: Find Task (Ctrl+F)
  • GUI Improved: switch file list to Simple List or Tree List, from context menu
  • GUI Improved: display the tree list of files correctly when the files in Torrent are not sorted by directories
  • Core Improve: support Firefox 7
  • Core Improve: the file size limit of Torrent changed to 10MB
  • Core Improve: support torrents whose piece size is not the integral multiple of 16 KB
Download: BitComet 1.30 - 32bit | 8.5 MB (Freeware)
Download: BitComet 1.30 - 64bit | 10.0 MB
Download: eMule plugin | 3.1 MB

Auslogics Disk Defrag

Auslogics Disk Defrag is a compact and fast defragmentation tool that supports both FAT 16/32, and NTFS file systems. It's supplied with advanced disk optimization techniques, which will remedy your system sluggishness and crashes caused by disk fragmentation.
Disk fragmentation leads to system slowdowns, PC crashes, slow startups and shutdowns. Auslogics Disk Defrag is designed for fast defragmentation of modern hard disks.
  • Defrag and optimize
  • Free space consolidation
  • System files smart placement
  • Keeping the MFT reserved zone clear
  • Single file or folder defragmentation
  • List of fragmented files
  • Auto-defrag mode
  • Scheduled defragmentation
  • Customizing disk defrag
  • Multiple languages
Download: Auslogics Disk Defrag | 4.8 MB (Freeware)

SUPERAntiSpyware 5.0.1136

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition is 100% Free and will detect and remove thousands of Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, KeyLoggers, Dialers, Hijackers, and Worms. SUPERAntiSpyware features many unique and powerful technologies and removes spyware threats that other applications fail to remove. Easily remove pests such as WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, and thousands more. Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing and more with our unique Repair System. Dedicated Threat Research Team scours the web for new threats and provides daily definition updates.
SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition does not include real-time blocking or scheduled scanning.
  • Smart definition update enhancements (improved detection)
  • Internal scanning engine improvements
  • Better resource handling (memory)
  • DDA and DRA (Direct Disk and Registry Access) updates
Download setup: SUPERAntiSpyware 5.0.1136 Free | 12.0 MB (Freeware)

Download portable: SUPERAntiSpyware 5.0.1136 | 16.4 MB

Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.1351 Beta

avast! Free Antivirus represents the best free antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is FREE OF CHARGE for non-commercial & home use. Its features include:
  • Anti-spyware built-in
  • Web Shield
  • Anti-rootkit built-in
  • Automatic updates
  • Strong self-protection
  • Virus Chest
  • Antivirus kernel
  • System integration
  • Simple User Interface
  • Integrated Virus Cleaner
  • Resident protection
  • Support for 64-bit Windows
  • P2P and IM Shields
  • Internationalization
  • Network Shield
  • Script Shield now works with Google Chrome, all versions of Firefox and Acrobat Reader
  • Improvements in WebRep plugins (especially IE)
  • Stability improvements in aswSP.sys and the avast! sandbox
  • File system shield: improved on-close scanning
  • avast! Internet Security: new antispam engine
  • Web Shield and Script Shield: more options in the UI
The UI of the new version also includes the avast! Market, a new way to get info (and potentially try/buy) other avast products. This section can be hidden by disabling the avast! recommendation features in the avast! Community settings.

Download: Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.1351 Beta | 58.9 MB (Non commercial freeware)

View: Avast! Website


VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.
Some of the features of VirtualBox are:
  • Modularity. VirtualBox has an extremely modular design with well-defined internal programming interfaces and a client/server design. This makes it easy to control it from several interfaces at once: for example, you can start a virtual machine in a typical virtual machine GUI and then control that machine from the command line, or possibly remotely. VirtualBox also comes with a full Software Development Kit: even though it is Open Source Software, you don't have to hack the source to write a new interface for VirtualBox.
  • Virtual machine descriptions in XML. The configuration settings of virtual machines are stored entirely in XML and are independent of the local machines. Virtual machine definitions can therefore easily be ported to other computers.
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
  • VRDP: fixed screen corruption
  • NAT: the interface stopped working after a lot of failed ICMP requests
  • E1000: fixed rare Windows 7 guest hangs, either at boot time or when reconfiguring the network card in unusual setups
  • ATA: fixed a possible crash during ATAPI passthrough with certain guests
  • ATA: improved compatibility with ancient Linux kernels
  • Main: fixed incorrect framebuffer information after leaving the fullscreen mode with X11 guests, this lead to a scrambled preview window in the GUI for example
  • Mac OS X hosts: fixed the problem with duplicate packets when bridged to a wireless interface
  • Linux hosts: fix for 3D support on Fedora 15
  • Linux hosts: don't call del_timer_sync from an interrupt context (Fedora bug report 746331)
  • Windows Vista and 7 guests: more WDDM fixes
  • Linux Additions: fixed kernel module compilation failure on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
  • Linux Additions: install the DRI driver correctly on Ubuntu 11.10 guests
  • Solaris Additions: added read-only mmap support for shared folders
  • Solaris Additions: added directory, file mode and mask options for shared folders
  • Windows Additions: implemented faster detection of logged-in guest users and stale sessions
  • X.Org Additions: fixed graphical corruption when switching to a virtual terminal
Download: VirtualBox | 87.2 MB (Open Source)

Google Chrome 17.0.928.0 Dev Channel

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
One box for everything
Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.
Thumbnails of your top sites
Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Incognito mode
Don't want pages you visit to show up in your web history? Choose incognito mode for private browsing.
Safe browsing
Google Chrome warns you if you're about to visit a suspected phishing, malware or otherwise unsafe website.
  • Updated V8 -
  • Prompt the user if they want to cancel downloads occurring when the last Incognito Window of a profile is closed.
  • Panels are enabled by default (extensions-only, “Tasky” in Web Store is one example)
  • Adjustable margins supported in Print Preview.
  • Mouse Lock “Allow” permission (given via a prompt) is now saved in content settings per domain.
  • Fix the multi-profile selection bubble when using a chrome-theme [r107495]
  • Optimization work to make the GTK+ tabstrip do less redundant painting. Please report any regressions, especially with complex themes. [Issue: 100803]
Known Issues
  • NaCl will not run on Windows
  • Indexed Database: IDBDatabase.transaction() - passing [] as first argument is no longer supported per specification [Issue: 99690]
  • Indexed Database: Databases will fail to load previously created object stores [Issue: 102537].
- Those already running dev channel will be automatically updated.
For information about alpha and developer builds, check out the Chrome dev channel here.
Download: Google Chrome 17.0.928.0 (Dev Channel, Choose language) | ~23 MB (Freeware)

FrostWire 5.2.9

FrostWire, a BitTorrent client (formerly a Gnutella client), is a collaborative effort from hundreds of Open Source and freelance developers from around the world. In late 2005, concerned developers of LimeWire's open source community announced the start of a new project fork "FrostWire" that would protect the developmental source code of the LimeWire client. The developers of FrostWire give high regard and respect to the GNU General Public License and consider it to be the ideal foundation of a creative and free enterprise market. FrostWire has evolved to replace LimeWire's BitTorrent core for that of Vuze, the Azureus BitTorrent Engine, and ultimately to remove the LimeWire's Gnutella core to become a 100% BitTorrent client that is simple to use.
Frostwire's features include:
  • Completely Free & Open Source!
  • Faster Download Speeds
  • iTunes™ Compatible!
  • Faster Torrent Speeds
  • Friendly Online Chat Rooms
  • Bittorrent Support!
  • Even More Connections
  • New & Improved Skins
What's new in this version:
  • Enhancement: Lucene full text indexing for Smart Search database to allow for fuzzy searches.
  • Enhancement: Lucene full text indexing for Library database allows better search results on Radio search and playlist search.
  • Enhancement: Audio player will start playing currently selected audio source if it's on a stopped state.
  • Bug Fix: Finished Downloads shows only finished downloads.
Download: FrostWire 5.2.9 | 10.1 MB (Open Source)