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Disable pop-up balloon tip

Tired of pop-up tips showing up all over the interface? With group policy editor, you can easily stop them from showing up for good.
  1. Start up the group policy editor by clicking on the start button and keying in gpedit.msc and pressing Enter.
  2. Expand User Configuration, Administrative Templates and Start Menu and Taskbar.
  3. Select Remove Balloon Tips on Start Menu items, right click on it and select Properties.
  4. Select Enable and hit OK.
  5. Close Group Policy Editor and you are finished.

How to Fix Windows Installer Crashes

Microsoft recently updated the Customer Experience Improvement Program Client that is included on all Windows 7 betas. Some of the new settings are  known to cause application installs to crash.  CEIP is a great tool that allows Microsoft to see what drivers they are missing and what programs are crashing on your computer. However, with the recent settings change it was causing more problems than solving.
To help beta users Microsoft provided a simple command line hack that will fix the CEIP client. Just open up an administrator level command prompt (right click on command prompt in the start menu and select Run as Administrator) and type in:
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledSessions /va /f
Once you run the command close the command prompt window and you are ready to install application again.